Preeti Singh's Article in College

496 Benefits To Students Through Distance Courses By IGNOU, Symbiosis And Annamalai University
Going for the higher education degrees is wanted by every student. Even if, they get into jobs, their dream is to finish their education and start a career in accordance with the education. By higher education is usually meant the masters degrees or Phd degrees, which is done after graduation. Due to various reasons, many people are not able to complete their education, while they nurture the dream to do so.
Posted on Aug-27-2011

437 Be It Engineering Or MBA, Studying From The Top Colleges In India Is An Advantage
A well chosen career is one of the most important factors in the students’ life. Hence, they need to make smart choices in their life, as far as the matter of careers are concerned. For the students who are about to pass out from the colleges and step into the fresh new world of jobs, a good career start is a big achievement as it is half the work done.
Posted on Aug-27-2011

464 Computer Applications And Related Subjects Learned From Animation And Computer Institutes In India
The field of computers has been one of such areas which have grown significantly in the last few years, or in the last decade. Software applications have been the most important growth, but along with that, there are many other areas which are using computers and the related software, which have had a great impact in the economy of India.
Posted on Aug-27-2011

409 With Commerce, Arts And Science Colleges In India, All Round Development Is Assured
Commerce, arts and science, have been the backbone of any kind of higher education system that can be carried out in a country. These are subjects, which are taught in most of the colleges and any kind of higher education is based on them.
Posted on Aug-08-2011

461 Finding The Central And UGC Recognised Universities In India To Start Quality Education
As far as the students are concerned about the quality of education, the spirit is very praiseworthy. This kind of an interest is seen in many students. But, to culminate such concerns and thoughts in actions is something that can be sometimes challenging.
Posted on Aug-05-2011

443 Assessing Quality Education Possible With Myriad Of Government And Private Universities
For a student, the best possible aspect during the studentship career is to read further in his or her subject. Although, many people do change their courses, yet, going to a high level of education in any particular course is no less than an achievement.
Posted on Aug-05-2011

418 Top Universities And Colleges In India Supporting Quality Education And Courses
The very purpose of studying in a college and a university is for gaining knowledge, which would be coming in handy for a course or any other endeavour that the students take up in future life.
Posted on Aug-05-2011

556 MBA Syllabus For Different Subjects That Will Be Followed On MBA Admissions 2012 Are Quite Varied
Why is it that the students search for management education at the end of their educational sojourn? It is the employability factor and the prosperous careers that lie in front of them. But the real charm of management studies is found in the MBA subjects that are chosen.
Posted on Jul-06-2011

717 MBA Education In India Have A Face Change Due To Management Institutes In Mumbai, Delhi And Pune
Nowadays, almost every student wants to take admissions into the management colleges in India. Be it an engineering graduate or the bachelor in commerce subjects, the students think that they will have good careers and an extra mileage if they do their management courses.
Posted on Jun-28-2011

738 Premier Colleges For MBA In UK, USA And Canada Setting Examples For Quality Management Education
When people get the chance to study in such colleges which have been the epitome of management education in the world, rarely would anyone let this chance go off hand. Most of such institutes are found in the United Kingdom, United States and Canada.
Posted on Jun-28-2011

544 Quality Management Education Being Proffered By MBA Colleges In Pune, Nagpur And Nashik
What do students seek when making selection of MBA colleges? What among the criteria, for such selections, tops the list? For the majority of students, this point is in the quality of education. It has been seen in recent years that students are getting biased towards colleges which are offering the education in the best of standards.
Posted on Jun-23-2011

600 MBA Colleges In Mumbai, Navi Mumbai And Thane Providing Convenient Management Studies
One of the major reasons for the selection of the location of a management college in a particular city, is because of the future prospects, that the students find there. By future prospects, is meant the job opportunities, good pay, on-course exposure, and the comfortable stay.
Posted on Jun-23-2011

543 With Quality MBA Colleges In Delhi, Gurgaon And Faridabad, It Is Becoming MBA Hub Of The Country
In perfect accordance with the old customs, where children after attaining a certain age, were sent away from home to be taught under the gurus, the trend of MBA studies in present day is following a somewhat similar pattern.
Posted on Jun-23-2011

748 Students Wishing To Do BBA Courses After 12th Should Start Looking Out For BBA Colleges Early On
Bachelor courses in any stream, is meant to be pursued after the intermediate or 10+2 level. In the management studies also, students have the option of pursuing the bachelor in business administration. This is also known as the BMS or bachelor in management studies.
Posted on Jun-22-2011

741 Variety Of Courses Can Be Pursued Through GATE, BITSAT, TANCET 2012 Exams
Appearing in an entrance exam where the students can pursue a number of courses, is always in preference. It is an obvious advantage for the students as they can then choose the particular stream or course in which they can study further.
Posted on Jun-04-2011

2306 Upcoming 2012 Exam Dates For AIEEE, IIT JEE And NATA Should Be Strictly Noted
It is a logical beginning to a tryst for a success in the entrance exams, that students be aware of their time and date.
Posted on Jun-04-2011

721 GMAT And GRE Syllabus Designed For Testing The Aptitude As Well As The Core Knowledge
In recent years, the trend to study in foreign universities is rapidly picking up. The number of students appearing for the foreign universities exams was not very high. But now, it is the dream of many students as well as their parents to study different courses in the foreign universities.
Posted on May-31-2011

700 IELTS Syllabus Designed To Put The Candidates To A Thorough Test Of Their English Language Skills
For studying in most of the foreign universities, candidates require to clear some tests. Different tests are conducted by various authorities to ensure that the students that have been allowed visas for studying in the respective countries are meritorious and competent.
Posted on May-31-2011

652 GMAT, GRE And IELTS Tests Designed To Test The Skills Required In The Corresponding Curriculum
The entrance exams are a gateway for the students to achieve successful admissions into the various colleges. Depending on the type of college or courses that they are interested in, the students would be required to take up different tests.
Posted on May-30-2011

624 Help Through AIEEE, AIPMT And GATE Coaching Is A Morale And Chance Booster For The Students
Entrance exams that give a chance to the students to get admissions into prestigious courses like medical and engineering are much in demand.
Posted on May-27-2011

625 Preparation with Apt Focus on AIPMT Syllabus helps a Competent Student to go for AIPMT 2012
For students aspiring for a medical seat in medical colleges in India, the task is not very Herculean but still a big feat. Compared to other streams like engineering and management, the number of seats in medical colleges are less and even there are a fewer medical colleges.
Posted on May-25-2011

582 Quality Universities And Courses Attracting Students To Study In Dubai, Finland And Greece
What is it that is attracting so many students from different educational backgrounds to move out to the foreign countries for further studies? It is nothing but the prospects of a good academic and research facility and the assurances of good career.
Posted on May-21-2011

575 Informed Decision To Study In Russia, Ireland Or Brazil Should Be Made From Various Sources
It is a craze nowadays among the students to study in foreign countries and the international universities are also accepting the students in large numbers to provide them quality education.
Posted on May-21-2011

550 Study In South Africa, Malaysia And South Korea Becoming Popular Due To Affordable Costs
It is already a well known fact that the study in foreign universities provides an edge to the students in terms of salary and job opportunities. This is obviously because of a better international exposure and knowledge of more avenues.
Posted on May-21-2011

600 Top Universities in Europe like In Netherlands and Switzerland are the Scion of Quality in Education
The primary reason why students choose the colleges and universities that they study in is much because of the quality of education. Although other factors like the cost and living and the subject choice comes at the second of the priority list, selecting the universities has mostly to do with the quality.
Posted on May-18-2011